Funny Aim Away Messages

Reading Away Messages

While you are reading this away message, I am reading a book.

If you consider reading sitting around, holding a book to your face, and moving your eyes back and forth, than I guess you could say that I'm reading...

I lost my bookmark and I don't want to lose my place so I'll be back when I'm finished with my book.

I am hitting the books. It gets the anger out. Later I might actually open them up and study them.

Hi, I'm busy trying to figure out what all these letters mean.

I'm reading a book that is more interesting than you.

Shhh! I am reading. Please do not disturb me.

I found a book so I'm reading it.

I am doing this rare complex skill called reading. Reading is so hard and is such a work out for my eyes. Please do not disturb me for this takes my undivided attention.

I'll be back when I run out of pages to read.

Becoming a bookworm.

I'm in a corner, spending some quality time with a book and a flashlight.

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